
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Glacier National Park & Seeley Lake Montana

The Cameron Family is back in action!

Last Sunday we traveled about an hour and a half to see my friend Angela and her beautiful family in Seeley Lake, Montana. We drove along tall trees and serene lakes until we arrived at their picturesque home nestled between rows and rows of evergreens.

We were invited into their home with hugs an a shot of Montana Moonshine, "Welcome to Montana!"

This stuff is like shooting lighter fluid!

Football was on the television and burgers were on the grill. Good company and good times. Angela and her husband Clint have a 2 year old boy named Haydn and a 3 month old sweet baby girl named Raylee, my boys adored them both. Daniel started asking me if we could get a baby too, of course the answer was not only no, but hell no! (Sorry, we just can't imagin doing it all over again when Caiden is almost out of diapers).

Seriously, look at this cute baby!

Here are pictures of Caiden and Haydn just enjoying the heck out out of jumping in an empty pool.

The boys comparing notes on Hayden's Nabi tablet and Daniels Kindle Fire

Our visit ended with the sighting of several deer that walked right up to their house looking for food. It was our boys first experience with deer and they were really excited, too excited! They eventually scared the deer away, lol.

What? I didn't scare them away...
Look how close they are.

The next destination while visiting Montana was Glacier National Park. I was ready to experience the majestic beauty of the Glaciers but was blown away by the natural landscape of the park itself. It was a gradual one hour assent to reach the top of the mountains where view of the Glaciers was at its best an honestly we took so many pictures that we couldn't possibly post them all.

Here are the ones that came out the best:

There's always time for a selfie!

"Weeping Rock"
My boys!

These pictures were taken with my iPhone so there not the best but I'm glad we captured some of the beautiful scenery.

Next we begin our drive to Des Moines, Iowa stopping first in South Dakota to check out Mt. Rushmore.

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