
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Where To Begin?

With our goal firmly in place, where do we begin? It's January 4th and we want to be on the road by April/May. That leaves 3-4 months to prepare, so much to to and so little time (it's already an adventure and we haven't even left yet). I'm a huge "list" maker and my husband likes to tease me about it sometimes because I can't do anything or go anywhere without one.

Anyway, here is my list of things to do before we can leave:

Finish Home Renovation:
  • Finish drywall and stone work on fireplace
  • Replace floorboards throughout kitchen and living room
  • Finish painting and touch ups for entire house
  • Sand down and refinish all three bathroom cabinets
  • Replace sliding glass door in master bedroom.
  • Replace old wood and paint balcony & entryway bridge.
  • Update landscaping (right before listing).
  • Paint exterior of house (if affordable).
  • And much, much more...
Sell House
Buy Used Truck & 5th Wheel Trailer
Reduce Belongings (keep only what will fit in trailer and one 10x10 storage unit)

This is totally doable!

My Husband Dan brought home samples for the stonework on the fireplace.

Samples for the stone on fireplace.
(Left) Chapel Hill (Right) Nantucket.

We agreed on Nantucket.

Fireplace Installed & framed

Now he just has to finish getting over the flu virus that we have all been passing around before completing the fireplace project. Almost ready to cross that one off the list. Yay!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Question

"So are we really going to do this?"

I look over at my husband and ask him the same question I've been asking him for a few months now. This one question that has been rattling around in my mind for longer than I can put my finger on. It's the kind of life changing question that slowly creeps into your thoughts first as a distant dream but then transforms into something more, something that makes your heart race every time you think about it. A growing excitement, if you will. Excitement about the future, life, and in truth it's a question that makes you terrified because you'll be forced out of your comfort zone and that's how you know deep down you must do it.

It's the question of wether or not we should sell our house, ditch most of our belongings, cram our family into a 5th wheel trailer and travel the country to live life without the safety of a structural foundation. My husband recently retired after 24 years of service in the U.S.Navy and had been practically everywhere, so for him this isn't too far of a leap, but for me I've hardly left the place I was born in Southern California.

"Dan, are we really going to do this?" My husband puts down his tablet, then turns to me as says "yeah, let's do it!"

That was about 6 months ago.

The decision has been made but that's just the beginning. We need to finish renovating our home before we sell. We'll keep you posted on just how a family of four can turn a dream into a reality. I hope you'll join us on our journey to the open road.